We are a group of twenty or so women, almost all of whom live alone. We come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and our ages range from the mid-fifties to around eighty. Although we are all very different and have our own particular interests, family connections, work – some of us are still working – or health difficulties or disabilities, what we all share is a determination to stay as self-dependent and active as we can as we get older.

We also feel that being part of a group of friendly neighbours that look out for each other will help us do that – that is why we started 


  • Acceptance and respect for diversity
  • Care and support for each other.
  • Providing a balance between privacy and community.
  • Countering ageist stereotypes
  • Co-operating and sharing responsibility.
  • Maintaining a structure without hierarchy
  • Caring for the environment
  • Being part of the wider community