We are experiencing a huge volume of enquiries via our website. This shows a level of public interest that is very encouraging, plus a great need for senior cohousing, especially among older women.
We regret to say that we can no longer answer enquiries about joining OWCH. There are no vacancies in ‘New Ground’ Cohousing and no waiting list.
- For latest news of OWCH, see the news page
- For enquiries about ‘How to find a cohousing group near me’ or ‘How to develop a cohousing group’, there is useful information on the UK Cohousing website

Some cohousing groups in or near London looking for members are:
Cambridge K1 Cohousing
Cannock Mill Cohousing - Colchester
Featherstone Cohousing - South London
London Older Lesbians
Oxford Cohousing
Still Green - Milton Keynes
UK Cohousing maintains a complete directory
- For all other messages and enquiries please email
Registered under Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965. Reg. No. 31455R